
Monday, June 11, 2012

Made it Monday .... bread

A friend taught me how to make a part sourdough bread a few weeks ago so the waft of fresh bread has been a regular scent in our house.

Warm bread straight out of the oven with butter and golden syrup on a rainy Queen's birthday. Yumo.

What are you up to this rainy long weekend?


  1. Looks delish DITR! I have made two loaves of bread. Both have been spectacularly bad. I keep thinking of you assuring me that the brand I have bought is 'hard'. We will see...

  2. Yes, dont get disheartened - mine didnt turn out with that one either. Do they have hand making instructions - could work better? Happy to help give it a go with you.

  3. Thats one impressive loaf!! We made onion and cheese damper over here to today. Bread is just sooooo good warm!
