
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A few of my favourite things...

The dog has been biting, the bees have been stinging and I have been feeling sad so I think I need to remember some of my favourite things.

Leftover brownies, JollyJumper big gummy smile as I feed her, Goofy's pride in her new found ability to play the computer, MiniMe wanting to help in the kitchen by washing up, U2 being excited as his new business comes together, the sun coming onto the deck this morning, the promise that spring has arrived, generous friends who provide meals, in-laws that I would choose, mail that is not bills, getting something you have wanted on sale, clean floors, a good book, being able to make someone's day better, a cup of tea in the quiet, a breakfast date with girlfriends to look forward to, packed to the rafters, my friends, my family

Now I don't feel so sad.

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